2011年9月28日 星期三


Animal Cells:

The parts of the Animal Cell we learnt about are the Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Cell Membrane and Vacuoles.

Nucleus --> The Nucleus is also known as the brain of the cell. It controls all chemical reactions and activities taking place in the cell, such as reproduction. The Nucleus contains chromosomes, which stores vital generic information about the organism. This information is passed down to the future generation. This is evident by children having similar traits as their parents.

Cytoplasm --> It is a jelly-like substance that fills the entire cell. This is where the chemical reactions take place and contains many substances.

Cell membrane --> The cell membrane is a thin partially-permeable layer around the cell. It allows the shape of the cell to change and controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell. Only some particles, such as water, oxygen and carbon dioxide can pass through the cell membrane.

Vacuole--> They are small and numerous in the animal cell. The vacuoles are located in the cytoplasm and contain many substances such as water and waste materials.

Plant Cells:

The parts of the plant cell include the Nucleus, Cytoplasm, Cellulose Cell Wall, Chloroplasts, Cell membrane and the Vacuole.

Nucleus --> Same as the Animal Cell

Cytoplasm --> In the plant cell, the cytoplasm does not fill up the entire cell. Instead, it is reduced to a thin lining behind the cellulose cell wall. However, it still contains substances such as water, and is similarly still the location where chemical reactions occur.

Cellulose Cell Wall --> The cell wall surrounds the plant cell and gives the plant cell it's shape. This cell is absent in the structure of the animal cells.

Chloroplasts --> These cells are only present in particular parts of the plant, such as the leaves. They are tiny-disc like structures that contain a green pigment known as chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the substance that is responsible for photosynthesis. It traps light energy so the plant would be able to make food. This cell is also absent in the structure of the animal cells.

Cell Membrane --> Same as the Animal Cell.

Vacuole --> In the plant cell, there is only one large vacuole, unlike the animal cell. The vacuole is the largest part of the cell and contains cell sap. The cell sap takes in water to keep the cell turgid.

